Terason - Annotating scan images

  1. Start New Study for Athlete
  2. Select 'T' button on extended keyboard to insert text annotation

  3. Toggle first ' ^ ' button on extended keyboard repeatedly to select side (Right or Left). *The ' v ' button toggles MUSCLE

  4. Toggle first ' v ' button on extended keyboard repeatedly to select muscle (RF, GS, etc.). *The ' ^ ' button toggles SIDE

  5. Scan muscle and store image by pressing the 'Save Image' button on extended keyboard

  6. For each additional image of same muscle, do not change annotation. Store images pressing the 'Save Image' button.

  7. For a new muscle, press the Text 'T' button and toggle to the appropriate Side and Muscle using the ' Λ ' and ' V ' buttons. Storing each image accordingly.

  8. Export session images using the typical 'Review', 'Export' onscreen buttons.
  9. Navigate to the Run Assessment page and follow steps outlined

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