Rehab Assessment
How well is my patient's soft tissue injury recovering? How soon can they get back to ‘normal’?
Being able to assess and analyze your patients' muscle size, muscle fuel rating, and muscle fuel symmetry enables you to take some of the guesswork out of your rehab prescription, and facilitate a faster return to activity for your patients.
Select Start or Monitor Rehab from the menu
Scan all relevant muscles at admission to obtain a baseline comparison for treatment. Historical results can be used to track 'progress comparisons'. Ensure muscles are at rest, and fully recovered from prior sessions.
Scan Muscles of Interest
Scan the non-injured as well as the injured muscles of contralateral limbs. This can provide a "progress comparison" during treatment. While we can scan a wide range of muscles for Fuel Level and Fuel Rating, currently we scan only the Rectus Femoris for Muscle Size. However, other muscles of both upper and lower body will be added to this assessment in the future.
Design a treatment plan guided by assessment results and the ongoing needs of the patient
Include regular scans every 2 to 4 weeks as part of your typical treatment program. This will provide complementary, and previously inaccessible information that will enable you to better monitor the impact of interventions and treatments.
Schedule a follow-up
Use the scheduling tool as a reminder for the patient/athlete of the prescribed treatment. Send results to them as an additional reminder to return for a follow-up. Confirm the effectiveness of the intervention at periodic intervals determined by the needs of treatment goals and outcomes.
Follow-up with a Monitor Rehab Assessment
Track and monitor the fuel and size responses of interventions. Modify treatment plan based on analysis of the follow-up scan results and the ongoing needs of the patient/athlete.
Repeat this process until outcomes meet the treatment goals, or are at a 'desired' level for the subject/athlete
Results Provided
Muscle Size Difference
The sizes and their categories are charted, status based on % difference
Muscle Fuel Rating

Muscle Fuel Symmetry

Status Determination
Statuses are determined from an extensive MuscleSound database of scanned images.
Indicates % size difference is in the very high range--above the top 25th percentile of all scores. Greater potential for increased risk of injury and negative impact on performance.
Indicates % size difference is in the moderately high range--between the top 50th and 25th percentiles of all scores. Some potential for increased risk of injury and negative impact on performance.
Indicates % size difference is in the normal range--below the 50th percentile of all scores. Minimal risk of injury and impact on performance.
When multiple muscle groups are scanned, or if there is a trend to consider the status is determined by this table
Overall % Difference of contralateral muscles |
Trend |
Resulting Status |
> 15% RF muscles |
> 28% VL muscle |
> 22% Both RF and VL muscles |
NA |
8% to 15% RF muscles |
12% to 28% VL muscles |
10% to 22% Both RF and VL muscles |
NA |
< 8% RF muscles |
< 12% VL muscles |
< 10% Both RF and VL muscles |
NA |
> 15% RF muscles |
> 28% VL muscles |
> 22% Both RF and VL muscles |
> + 5% |
> 15% RF muscles |
> 28% VL muscles |
> 22% Both RF and VL muscles |
-5% to +5% |
> 15% RF muscles |
> 28% VL muscles |
> 22% Both RF and VL muscles |
< -5% |
8% to 15% RF muscles |
12% to 28% VL muscles |
10% to 22% Both RF and VL muscles |
> + 5% |
8% to 15% RF muscles |
12% to 28% VL muscles |
10% to 22% Both RF and VL muscles |
-5% to +5%
8% to 15% RF muscles |
12% to 28% VL muscles |
10% to 22% Both RF and VL muscles |
< -5%
< 8% RF muscles |
< 12% VL muscles |
< 10% Both RF and VL muscles |
> + 5% |
< 8% RF muscles |
< 12% VL muscles |
< 10% Both RF and VL muscles |
-5% to +5% |
< 8% RF muscles |
< 12% VL muscles |
< 10% Both RF and VL muscles |
< -5% |
Assessing Muscle Size with MuscleSound