Check Readiness Assessment

Are my athletes ready to perform? Are their muscles at optimal readiness?

Background Information

One of the most powerful benefits of MuscleSound is the ability to ensure that your athlete is ready for their exercise ‘event’ 

Select Check Game Readiness from the menu
Scan at least two days before an event to see fuel values. If these are low, muscles are not at optimal readiness for performance.
Scan Muscles of Interest
Both left and right thigh scans will provide the best snapshot of your bodies fuel. Add additional muscles groups as needed.
Design an action-oriented intervention guided by assessment results
Summary statuses provide an overall view of current muscle fuel levels.
MuscleSound will also analyze the recent fuel trends of your athletes providing a broader perspective of their fuel status, particularly how 'lifestyle habits and behaviors' may impact Readiness.
Downloadable charts will also provide historical feedback on responses to your interventions: what was effective previously? How did their fuel respond? Utilize this assessment as an ‘early warning’.
It is also valuable to drill down into a specific muscle group or muscle side to ask questions about what could be the cause of abnormal results.
Schedule a follow-up
Use the scheduling tool as a reminder for the subject/athlete of the prescribed intervention. Send results to them as an additional reminder to return for a follow-up. Confirm the effectiveness of the intervention the next day, or the day of the event.
Follow-up with another Check Readiness Assessment
Track and monitor the fuel response of your interventions. Modify as needed.

Results Provided

Overall Fuel Level

This is an average fuel level across all of the muscles included in this scanning session

Nutrition / Sleep / Recovery Status

MuscleSound uses the overall fuel level and the trend from the last session to determine a status. This result is an indication of the person's overall Readiness Status. Short descriptions and general advice are displayed here as well.

Muscle Side Fuel Levels

Current and recent trends for all muscles scanned. Here is an example of one muscle's results.


Sleep: A Brief Review of its Impact on Sports Performance.

Status Determination
Overall Fuel Level Trend Resulting Status
0-33 Low NA
33-66 Average NA
66-100 High NA
0-33 Low < -20%
0-33 Low -20% to +20%
0-33 Low > +20%
33-66 Average < -20%
33-66 Average -20% to +20%
33-66 Average > +20%
66-100 High < -20%
66-100 High -20% to +20%
66-100 High > +20%

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