Terason: - Change Annotations List

Muscle Side Annotations for Scanning Fuel

  1. Terason Program
  2. Presets
  3. Select 'MuscleSound'
  4. Setup
  5. Annotations Tab
  6. Category > Location 
  7. Choose muscle from the User List
  8. Move to Custom List using the '>' button onscreen
  9. The list of available annotations while scanning is in the Custom List

Site Annotations for Scanning Body Composition

  1. Terason Program
  2. Presets
  3. Select 'MuscleSound'
  4. Setup
  5. Annotations Tab
  6. Category > Anatomy  
  7. Choose site from the User List (Add one if it is missing)
  8. Move to Custom List using the '>' button onscreen
  9. The list of available annotations while scanning is in the Custom List

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